Donna Hackley, DMD, MA, is a Part-time Instructor at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Department of Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology and clinical faculty member of the University of Rwanda, School of Dentistry, Kigali, Rwanda; Human Resources for Health Rwanda program PI and US faculty member; and a Harvard/Boston University trained pediatric dentist.
Dr. Hackley worked exclusively in private practice in Westford and Medford Massachusetts for 17 years. In August 2013, she joined the Human Resources for Health Rwanda program to build infrastructure and capacity at the new University of Rwanda School of Dentistry. She served as Co-PI for the first ever National Oral Health Survey in Rwanda.
Dr. Hackley is also a member of Harvard School of Dental Medicine’s team for the Health Advancement in Vietnam. She collaborates with faculty from the School of Dentistry of Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg, South Africa to expand pediatric services and develop the first cleft/craniofacial team in the country.
In 2014, Dr. Hackley earned her Masters in Peace and Conflict Studies (Organizational Leadership track) at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Dr. Hackley strives to promote sustainable capacity and infrastructure development in low-middle income countries and to leverage her practical experiences to inform oral health policy and drive change.
Dr. Hackley spends her professional time between private practice and her international projects at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She recently moved from Westford to Boston, and enjoys family vacations on Cape Cod, sports photography and basketball. Above all, she treasures time with her family – her husband Steve of 31 years and their two daughters Hannah and Cara, and Rowley the dog.